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Tips for Employing the Best Team Member for your Business

The number 1 complaint from small business owners that I hear is -”I can’t get good people”. Hiring the wrong person can cause immense stress and be very costly both in time & money. Here are some key tips in employment to help you find the right person for you.

1. Set expectations

Your relationship with your team member is just the same as the other relationships in your life. You have to be upfront and set the expectations right from the start.

As the employer, you have to be transparent on what you want, what you expect on the quality of work, and on the limitations of the job. It is important to set the tone and the realities of the job right from the start to avoid misunderstandings and false hopes on the new employee’s end. As the employer, you must also encourage the new team member to voice their expectations. This way, you’ll be able to communicate openly together.

If expectations are different from the very beginning - then don’t offer the job.

2. Determine your work culture

Each business or work environment has their own “workplace culture”. This culture is what developed with the existing team members through the years; the shared values, the familiarity with each one’s work style, the respect, and even their own work lingo. Make sure that the new team member will fit in this existing work culture. As long as he/she shares the same values with the existing employees, the adjustment will be seamless and cohesive. It’s just a matter of finding the perfect fit.

3. Hire proactively rather than re-actively

The most common mistake of an employer is hiring re-actively rather than proactively. Just because a position needs to be filled in, some employers would hire the next best thing rather than wait for the best candidate that can adapt to the work culture. Remember that hiring the wrong person can cause the business a lot of money so it is best to be patient and think hard on your hiring decisions.

4. Hire someone you actually like

In interviewing employees, make sure not to only ask them about work or about the job. Be sure to ask them about their own personal story and spend actual time getting to know them and their personality. Your new employee will be part of your life and it's best that you actually like each other. A simple personality test or discussing a common interest can help you determine this like-ability factor.

You might to check out our podcast interview with Tony Scott of Employsure where we explore this topic deeper at:

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